What happens to ashes following cremation?
After the committal (funeral service) the coffin is withdrawn into the crematory where the chapel attendant checks the nameplate along with an identity card that accompanies the coffin throughout the cremation procedure. Each cremation is carried out separately and the coffin is placed in the cremator in exactly the same condition as it is received. A cremator can only accept one coffin at a time and all remains are removed before it can be used again.
Choices regarding the final resting place of cremated remains
Following the funeral service at Cheltenham crematorium, the decision regarding the disposal of the cremated remains will be required and can include the following which are available within our grounds.
For fees and charges related to the options below, please visit our fees and forms page. For appointment information, please contact a member of the bereavement services team.

Scattering in our Cheltenham Gardens of Remembrance either without an appointment to witness and therefore performed at our convenience but usually by two weeks after the cremation or with an appointment to witness the scattering. You will need to contact the bereavement office to book an appointment and we require a minimum 48 hours notice. The scattering is performed by a member of our bereavement services team.

Interment in a cremated remains grave or a full size grave which are located at either Cheltenham or Charlton Kings cemetery with prior consent from the registered holder of the Exclusive Rights. All interments are overseen by a member of our bereavement services team.

Placement in a secure vault, either above ground or below, depending on what you would like to choose. These cremated remains memorials are located within the cemetery grounds, or within our Gardens of Remembrance at Cheltenham cemetery. All placements are overseen by a member of our bereavement services team.
Important information regarding the removal of cremated remains
The funeral applicant will be issued with a removal certificate. This certificate is a legal document and must be kept with the cremated remains at all times for the purpose of identification. It will be required by the cemetery, crematorium or churchyard where the cremated remains are to be laid to rest and will become an essential part of their records. It is a unique document and cannot be photocopied.
The cemetery, crematorium or churchyard may impose a fee for the cremated remains to be laid to rest within their grounds, to cover the cost of the administration and for the maintenance of the record from then onwards.
Despite the inconvenience of the fee, you must make an appointment with their office and carry out all the procedures under direction. It is not a process you may carry out yourself. If you are intending to scatter the cremated remains on land outside of a cemetery, churchyard or crematorium, you will need to ensure that you have the land owner’s permission.
Please note that it may be an offence to place cremated remains in water courses or on public or private land without the necessary consent.