Famous people laid to rest in Cheltenham
There are several graves of interest in Cheltenham cemetery grounds which include:
- Brian Jones guitarist of the English rock group The Rolling Stones – (Interred in grave section V / 11393)
- Captain Charles Sturt, Explorer – (Grave section T / 3767)
- William Henry Davies, writer and poet – (Cremation ashes Garden 1)
- James Elroy Flecker, poet and dramatist – (Grave section W / 20306)
- Bruce Bairnsfather, artist – (Bronze kerb plaque terrace garden 71)
- George Stevens, racing jockey – (Interred in grave section Q / 3181)
- Sidney Jane Browne, founder of the Royal College of Nursing (interred Grave section D1 – 1668)
You can visit the graves of interest at any time during the cemetery grounds opening hours.